A Companion of Fools Shall Be Destroyed
Verse of the Day, October 11, 2019 Proverbs 13:20 KJV “He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.” We shall not…
Hear A Word from God Through the Holy Word and Scriptures
Verse of the Day, October 11, 2019 Proverbs 13:20 KJV “He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.” We shall not…
Verse of the Day, October 9, 2019 Romans 5:10-11 KJV 10 For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being…
Good morning Friends: It’s Tuesday and Happy New Month October 2019! Hope in the LORD Who Will Renew Your Strength Praise the great Jehovah! Isaiah 33:2 New International Version (NIV)…
Verse of the Day, September 27, 2019 Psalm 121:3 KJV “He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber.” In our recent Bible…
Verse of the Day, September 23, 2019 Proverbs 27:2 KJV “Let another man praise thee, and not thine own mouth; a stranger, and not thine own lips.” When we want…
Verse of the Day, September 20, 2019 2 Peter 1:2-4 KJV 2 Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord, 3 According as…
Verse of the Day, September 19, 2019 Proverbs 11:14 King James Version (KJV) 14 Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety. More often…
1 In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. In our world, there is beauty in the beginning. God has a beginning for this world and an ending. He…